Welcome back to the second part of my interview with Johannes (a.k.a. "two Germans talking to each other in English about Esperanto").
We speak about fifteen of the sixteen rules of Esperanto, what makes Esperanto (more or less) easy to learn, (more or less) qualified criticism of Esperanto, dancing female communists, and which language to learn if Esperanto is just not nerdy enough for you.
We speak about fifteen of the sixteen rules of Esperanto, what makes Esperanto (more or less) easy to learn, (more or less) qualified criticism of Esperanto, dancing female communists, and which language to learn if Esperanto is just not nerdy enough for you.
Show notes
Projects by Johannes
- The Sixteen Rules of Esperanto Grammar
- Fundamenta Krestomatio by L. L. Zamenhof
- Cardinal vowels
- Toki Pona
- Agglutinative language
- Correlatives in Esperanto
- Correlatives in English
Esperanto links
- lernu!
- Muzaiko
- Wiki about songs in Esperanto
- TED-Talk by Tim Morley: Learn Esperanto first
- World Esperanto Youth Association
- lingvo.info
- Esperanto course on Duolingo
- Episode of kern.punkto with Chuck Smith (in Esperanto)
- The Search for the Perfect Language by Umberto Eco
- Conlangery Podcast
Gratuliere zu diesem interessanten Überblick über die Sprache Esperanto. Der erste Teil hat mir besser gefallen. Im zweiten gab es Längen bei den Details zur Grammatik, die sich per Audio nur schwer erschliessen. Schrift ist da das bessere Medium. Die Beispiele zur Aussprache gab es oft nur in Englisch, gerne hätte ich mehr Esperanto-Klang und -Feeling erlebt.
Sehr gut kam rüber, dass die Sprache lebt und drum herum eine ganz eigene Kultur entstanden ist, unabhängig von irgend welchen offiziellen Esperanto-Organisationen. Das ist doch was Schönes und beantwortet auch die Frage :"Wozu das Ganze?"
Übrigens gibt es doch einen Spielfilm in Esperanto: "Angoroj" aus dem Jahr 1964. Dürfte schwierig sein, eine Kopie zu bekommen.
Ich wünsche dem Podcast noch viele sprachinterrssierte Hörer.
Vielen Dank für das Feedback und den Hinweis zum Film!
Actually there are a couple of movies in Esperanto. "Inkubo" or "Incobus" [1] is the most prominent one. Unfortunately it is not made by Esperanto speakers. They needed some fictonal language for the movie and used Esperanto for it. I've once seen parts of it and it is hardly understandable because they are applying the english pronounciation rules to Esperanto.
All the other movies in Esperanto basically show, that a good movie in Esperanto, that can compete with movies in bigger languages is yet to be done.
[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Incubus_(1966_film)